How to Get Rid of Moths Naturally

  • Lavender

  • Mint

  • Cedar

  • Cloves, Thyme & Rosemary

  • Indian Lilac

  • Cinnamon Sticks

Are moths attacking your belongings? Tired of their constant flapping in the night?

We know how much of a nuisance moths can be! That’s why we’re here to help. As we’ve already discussed, there are many different methods to get rid of moths. However, many of these methods are highly toxic and it turns out they’re not that great for us. They also result in the unfortunate death of the moth. There are lots of people who are against or at least try to avoid the unnecessary killing of animals and as such our previously discussed moth removal methods are probably not ideal for many who may seek more natural and less lethal methods for removing moths from their homes. Obviously, if you have a full moth infestation, it will probably be quite difficult to remove without any casualties. However, the methods detailed below have shown to be rather effective at deterring those pesky moths.

Below we have detailed the various different natural methods we have found that you can use to get rid of moths naturally.

Natural Moth Deterrents


We’ve found that lavender has been by far one of the most effective natural remedies for getting rid of moths. There are a few different ways that you can use lavender, but essentially you just need to get the lavender scent as close to your moth problem and your clothes as possible.

Some people make their own dried lavender sachets, these tend to work very well and can then be left in drawers and wardrobes to keep the moths away. Alternatively, you can buy some ready-made lavender sachets here.

Another option is to dip cotton balls into lavender essential oil, this can be a bit messy and you should try to avoid getting the oils on your clothing. The alternative is to just go with one of these handy lavender sprays which save a lot of the hassle.


Whilst we have yet to test the efficacy of mint as a moth deterrent, it has been noted as being good at deterring both moths and mice. Gardeners will often plant mint in and amongst their vegetable patches to ward of cabbage moths. The best method would be to put dried peppermint into a sachet or place loose leaves amongst your clothes. The other approach would be to try peppermint oil. Just put a couple of drops of the oil onto a cotton ball and leave it in your wardrobe. Continue to add more of the peppermint oil as and when the smell starts to wear off.


What else can we say cedarwood really works! Cedar has been acknowledged as a moth repellent for a very long time and we are not surprised one bit. If you’re not lucky enough to own a cedar lined wardrobe there are a few other options. The simplest method is to just place a bag of cedar wood chips in your wardrobe or absolutely anywhere you don’t want to find any moths. If you’re looking for a tidier solution than just placing loose chippings in the corner of your wardrobe, there are some really handy cedar wood discs that fit onto your clothes hangers and do a pretty good job of deterring moths from eating your clothes.

FYI: The repellent aspect of Cedar’s scent will fade over time. The best way to remedy this is to sand the wood lightly, or alternatively you can get cedar oil and put that on the wood. We wouldn’t recommend oiling anything that would come into contact with your clothes.

Cloves, Thyme & Rosemary

There are not too many creatures that relish the strong aroma of cloves. Even most people can only handle them in small doses. The scent and odour that they produce can be a bit overbearing. Moths are no exception to this and are particularly unable to handle the “eugenol”. Eugenol is a natural insecticide that can be found in cloves, and also in their essential oils.

The best approach to take with this method is to fill an empty sachet or small pouch with cloves, rosemary and thyme. Place the sachet in your wardrobes or drawers and anywhere else you wish to keep moths away from. You’ll need to replace your herb mix every 6 months or whenever the smell begins to dull.

Indian Lilac

This stuff has been used for centuries as a natural pest deterrent and it definitely works very well. You can put fresh leave in the corners of your kitchen cupboards. Alternatively, you can mix neem oil with water and sponge the solution onto affected areas or dip cotton balls into the oil and position them around trouble spots. You can also get Indian Lilac powder which is particularly handy to dust into your wardrobe.

Cinnamon Sticks

We hope you like the smell of cinnamon with this one, because this method involves using only cinnamon. Turns out moths don’t really like that pungent spicy smell of cinnamon. Place a few cinnamon sticks in your wardrobe, drawers, cupboards, presses, boxes, or basically anywhere that you want to deter moths from. Be warned though, cinnamon is quite a clingy scent, so it will stay on your cloths for longer than some of the other options, but at least you get to smell like Christmas all day long.

Essential Oils

Mixing a combination of essential oils together can often make quite a potent natural moth repellent. You’re basically taking everything that they hate and combining it. The best recipe is to mix all the essential oils from above. If this seems a bit much a nice blend would consist of Indian Lila Oil, Clove Oil, and Lavender Oil. Mix a few drops of each to 500ml of water and using a water spray bottle, mist your clothes and any fabrics you want to keep moths away from. Another great idea is to use a sponge to wipe the solution over areas where you have seen moths, usually in the corners of wardrobes or on racks.

Clothes Storage Tips

Whilst all the different natural methods we’ve listed out above are highly likely to help drastically with preventing infestations of moths or deterring any existing moths from your home, storing your clothes properly can sometimes be nearly just as important. We’ve got a few tips for you on how and where you should be storing your clothing. If you’re one of those winter / summer people who actually puts away their clothes at the end of a season, then it’s very important that you wash all of them and dry them in the sun beforehand. Anything that can be ironed should be. This should help to kill all the larvae that could be in the clothing. Make sure that you store as much of your clothing in sealed containers; suitcases, plastic containers, chests, anything that moths won’t be able to get inside of. Garment bags can be great for keeping wool jackets and suits safe. Ensure that you don’t keep any unused clothing sitting in your wardrobe. Those big wool socks you never wear during the summer don’t need to stay there do they?

The bottom line is Moths love moist environments, so it is not advised to store your clothes in any potentially damp areas, like your basement or garage. You are definitely better off keeping stored clothes in the attic or even under the bed, somewhere that’s more likely to stay dry. Moths love a bit of dirt. They also can lay eggs in your carpet, so make sure that you vacuum your carpets regularly. This will help to prevent a moth infestation or assist with eliminating an existing moth infestation. If you know you’re dealing with an existing one change your vacuum bag regularly as the larvae will still be inside.



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