What Kills Moth Larvae?

What Kills Moth Larvae


Insect infestations are pretty frustrating to deal with- they take a lot of time and your hard-earned money to properly eradicate the pest from your home. Many people experience the frustrating reality of moths in their homes, especially in the summer months.

Whether there are several holes in your favorite sweater or a rush of flying moths when a pantry is opened, moths can cause a huge nuisance. They can ruin expensive clothes, food, and other household items. The moth goes through different phases in its lifecycle: egg, larvae, pupae, and then fully grown adult.

However, only the moth larvae are responsible for the destruction in your home. Adult moths are not as big a threat to your home as moth larvae because they’re the ones that have the chewing mouthparts. These chewing mouthparts allow them to eat through different types of clothing or food items or even carpets.

Battling moths is no simple matter as it can require a lot of time and money to make your home completely pest-free. However, there are many effective ways through which you can prevent these moths from breeding and snacking in your home again. Before we get into what kills moth larvae let’s first talk about prevention.

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Many people may wonder what brings moths inside their homes. What is it that makes our homes so alluring to those annoying moths? Knowing what attracts moths regarding their diet and habitat can help a homeowner get rid of them before they start laying their eggs. To help you discover what makes your property so dam appealing to moths, some of the causes of moth infestation are:


Light attracts moths, but not all species of moths tend to gravitate towards light. Clothes moths will generally tend to love dark areas more than well-lit areas. Whereas Pantry moths are attracted to warm and lit areas such as an outdoor light or window.

If your windows are in any way open or have some holes in them, moths very well may enter your home. Once they find a food source in your home, they will start laying eggs in stored grains, processed foods, or natural-fiber fabrics, depending on the type of moth that has breached your perimeters.

Pantry foods:

Certain species of moths are attracted to food items the most. They can enter your home through containers and packaged food from already infested warehouses where moth eggs or larvae are hidden inside the food products. I’ve never seen this personally but the thought of it sends shivers up my spine and wakes me in a cold sweat at night. Not really. But its disgusting none the less.

It is essential to look out for these moths and get rid of them immediately to protect your home from any future infestation. They will go to town on your pantry and everything will be going in the bin.

Clothes moths:

Another species of moth that can cause huge destruction in your home is clothes moths. One of the number one ways these moths can enter your home is through clothing, particularly buying second-hand clothes, furniture, or other goods from already moth-infested thrift stores. That will teach you for buying “vintage” clothing.


What Kills Moth Larvae



Pantry moths may look small, but they can cause many problems in your kitchen. Nobody wants their pantry or kitchen infested with gross tiny worms. It is unhygienic and can result in a number of health issues. If you have spotted pantry moths in your kitchen, you need to take immediate action before they increase in numbers and invade all of your stuff. Some of the most effective methods to get rid of moth larvae from your pantry are:

Deep clean your pantry:

To get rid of pantry moths, you need to clean your pantry thoroughly. Throw away any food packages that may have brought in the infestation. Throw away anything else that you suspect has been infiltrated. If the moth infestation is severe, go ahead and throw out everything. It is better than accidentally mistaking the larvae for macaroni after a few too many pints.

Wash unopened jars or cans:

It is better to wash all the unopened jars or containers with hot soapy water to eliminate moth larvae. Use a toothpick to check for moth eggs around the lids of the jar. They really can get absolutely everywhere.

Wash cabinets with vinegar solution:

Wash the inside of the pantry with hot water and a weak bleach solution. If you don’t want to go with full-scale chemical warfare then it is probably better to clean the cabinets with a mixture of water, vinegar, and peppermint oil to eliminate those annoying moth larvae from your pantry. The vinegar solution is quite effective in both killing eggs and repelling moths.




After killing all the moth eggs or larvae in your pantry, you will also need to take some precautionary steps to avoid getting your pantry invaded by pantry moths again in the future. Some of them are:

  • Get rid of all the expired packaged food items immediately.
  • Store your grain products in airtight and bug-proof containers.
  • Buy packaged food items in small quantities. Shop smart to keep the pantry moths away from your food products.
  • After buying the food products such as grains, flour, or other packaged food items, store them in the freezer for some time. Sub-zero temperatures can kill off any moth eggs hidden in the food products.



It is the babies of clothes moths that are responsible for making several holes in your garments. Killing all the flying moths will not solve your problem but getting rid of all the moth larvae will surely help you to protect your clothes from these cloth-eating bugs. Some of the effective ways in which you can kill all the moth eggs in your clothes are:

Washing your clothes with hot water:

Washing clothes with hot water can kill the moth larvae, but it is not a suitable option for all garments. Natural-fiber fabric such as cotton can be washed with hot water to kill moth larvae, but other fabrics such as woolen or silk garments cannot be washed with hot water as it will cause significant damage to these garments.


Dry-cleaning is an effective method to remove clothes moth eggs from more delicate fabrics such as silk or woolen garments. However, it will cost you a lot of money to dry-clean all your expensive knitwear or silk garments to kill moth larvae.


Another effective method to kill moth larvae in your clothes is to steam-press them. Steaming clothes can help you get rid of clothes moths without blowing up your budget. Nothing is going to survive that. Not even clothes moth larvae


Freezing is undoubtedly one of the most effective method for killing clothes moth eggs that could be lurking in your clothes. However, it will only kill them. You will then need to wash the clothes to remove them.



Wardrobes or pantries are not the only place that moths can infest. They often lay their eggs in carpets too. They target only those areas of the carpet covered by a rug or that have minimum foot traffic. To make your home completely pest-free, you will also need to check for moth eggs in your carpets. If you have spotted a moth infestation in your carpet, take immediate action before it is too late. Some of the effective methods to kill moth eggs in your carpet are:

Using a moth killer and repellent spray:

To eliminate carpet moths, it is better to use a moth killer spray, especially around the edges of the infested carpet. If the infestation is severe, do it regularly for 30 days to kill all the moth eggs in your carpet.

Using insecticidal powder:

It is better to use an effective insecticidal powder to get rid of carpet moth eggs. Puff the powder lightly and evenly on the overall surface of the infested carpet, especially around the edges. Leave the powder for 20 to 30 minutes and then remove it by vacuuming the carpet. Sucking up all those dead eggs and larvae. You don’t want to leave them just sitting in there. Not to mention you probably don’t want to be leaving that insecticidal powder around for longer than you need to either.



Carpet moths can eat through thick wool carpets at an incredible speed, leaving your flooring with several unattractive patches. Some of the preventive measures you can take to keep your carpet moth-free are:

  • Vacuum regularly to keep your carpet safe from carpet moths.
  • Purchase moth papers to trap the adult moths and stop them from laying more eggs on your carpet.
  • Use a moth repellent spray at least once a week, especially in the summer months.
  • Clean the edges of the carpet with white vinegar solution to kill moth eggs and larvae.
  • Install a moth trap to keep an eye on the activity of adult moths and stop their breeding cycle.



Extreme temperatures can also play a vital role in killing the moth eggs and larvae as they are pretty sensitive to extreme temperatures. They cannot survive in freezing temperatures. Freezing infested clothes or packaged food items can help you eliminate all the moth eggs and larvae.

Similarly, they also cannot survive in scorching temperatures. Steaming and washing clothes or carpets with hot water can help you to get rid of moth eggs and larvae effectively.



We’re glad you asked! Yes! White vinegar is considered one of the most effective natural cleansing agents that changes the pH level of surfaces it touches. Moth eggs and larvae cannot survive in an acidic environment, so exposing them to white vinegar will severely decrease their chances of survival.

White vinegar solutions are used in many ways to kill and repel moths of all species. Washing the infested garment or carpet with a mixture of white vinegar and warm water can kill all the moth eggs and larvae present.

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What Kills Moth Larvae?

We hope that now you have a better understanding of what kills moth larvae? And what do to if you think you have a moth infestation. It is always best to act as fast as you can and if possible, try to avoid toxic chemicals and choose natural alternatives. However in extreme situations extreme measures may well be required. Stay safe and moth free!


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